I’m a Software Engineer at RStudio, which makes data science tools. I’m also a longtime member of the R community, with a special interest in the use of R in production.
I’m primarily known for my work on xrprof – which is an external profiler for R – and the openmetrics package.
Previously I worked as a Data Scientist in the sports betting industry, and prior to that I worked for several years in Canadian public policy.
This is my personal tech blog, which has followed me through these changes (and even before).
I use this space primarily to write about various side projects and any other bits and pieces that strike me as potentially useful to others. Topics vary, but my current interests are R and Kubernetes, with a bit of Emacs thrown in. In the past I’ve written about many technical topics.
The name of the site is a play on David Hume’s theory of how humans form notions of causality, and originally referred to the eccentric collection of topics that programming blogs such as this tend to accumulate over time. More recently, it’s come to reflect my interest in statistics and working with data — a delightful coincidence.