Unconstant Conjunction A personal blog

An Update on the Libnoise Wrapper

![NoisyPy Perlin Demo](./images/noisypy-perlin.png)

I’ve gotten a good chunk of the Libnoise wrapper working. And despite several sessions of head-against-wall bugs, my SIP and disutils setup seems to be working nicely. Some of the C++ code in noiseutils.h (which comes with the Libnoise examples) is quite outdated, so I wrote several of my own output functions in pure C++. This also gave me the opportunity to write exporters to OpenGL textures, which seem to work seamlessly with Pyglet. I should have a whole directory of examples up and running shortly, drawing from the standard Libnoise examples and as well as demonstrations of OpenGL textures.

At the moment, the code to produce the image in this post looks like this:

import noisypy.modules as nmods
import noisypy.util as nutil

p = nmods.Perlin()
p.seed = 113

s = nmods.ScaleBias()
s.SetSourceModule(0, p)
s.scale = 0.5
s.bias = 0.5

c = nmods.Clamp()
c.bounds = 0, 1.0
c.SetSourceModule(0, s)

nutil.noisemap_image(512, 512, c, filename='lolnoise.pgm')

which produces identical results to analagous code written in C++. This is an illustration of the wonderful interface that libnoise provides, and of how I think it has translated nicely to Python. I’ve decided to call the library noisypy, and it should appear on GitHub in the near future.

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